I love everything about this picture! love how this group of great actor's are dressed. love Molly Ringwalds 80's cool classic style. and love how John Hughes is in the middle of them. it's been over a year now since his death and it still saddens me how he left us so young.
i will miss never seeing another movie from him. although he left Hollywood in the early 90's, amazing how they still influence till this day. the soundtrack, the costume designing and the way he like no other can capture the angst of teenage hood. he loved kids and family, those were the reasons why he left Hollywood; for his own kids. even the movie Home Alone which captured our hearts with Macaulay Culkin became a big classic. he had the magic touch!
The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles and Pretty Pink will never get old in my book. i still remember how influential it was seeing Andy deconstructing a vintage prom dress was too me. it sparked a desire in me then. and the quote "when we grow old our heart dies" you totally can understand that. i have all his movies and always go back for a little 80's inspiration. those nostalgic things bring back so many memories...in your memory Mr. Hughes.
source: image from imdb.com
Oh my gosh I LOVED Home Alone. I always thought the after shower scenes were hilarious when he would put on the after shave and my other favorite part is when he buys groceries and the bags break. AWww cute.